Involved Organizations
CED (Centre pour l'Environment et le Developpement)
EDLC (Environmental Defender Law Center)
PSMNR (Program for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources)
RELUFA (Reseau de Lutte contre la Faim)
SAVE (Wildlife Conservation Fund)
SEFE (Struggle to Economise Future Environment)
Korup Rainforest Conservation Society (KRCS):
Herakles Farms - Resources
Press Releases
- September 17 2009: Establishment Convention
- June 15 2011: ESIA Submission
- September 14 2011: Project Initiation
- September 6 2012: Herakles Farms withdraws from RSPO
- September 16 2012: Open Letter in response to Oakland Institute by Bruce Wrobel
- October 17 2012: Rejoinder to Bruce Wrobel, by Malle Adolf, Legal Counsel for SEFE
MAPS: -Download Maps of oil palm development in SW Cameroon-5
Herakles Farm Scientific Reports:
Opposition to Herakles Farms - Resources
Scientific Opposition:
- March 2012: Scientific Open Letter on the Proposed Herakles Farm Palm Oil Plantation in Cameroon
- April 2012: HCV Resource Peer Review of SGSOC’s HCV Asessment
News Articles:
- September 2012: Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa
- September 5 2012: Palm Oil’s New Frontier: How industrial expansion threatens Africa’s rainforest
- September 12, 2011: Yale e360 - Huge Oil Palm Plantation Puts African Rainforest at Risk
- September 13, 2011: Expanded Yale article: Palm oil, poverty, and conservation collide in Cameroon
- July 18 2012: Palm oil plantation pits activists against NY investors
- August 15 2012: Protests Show Dissent on Palm Oil Project
- September 5 2012: Herakles Farm leaves RSPO
Court Rulings/Letters of Opposition
- Court Rulings: SEFE (Struggle to Economize Future Environment) vs. SGSOC
- August 31 2011: SEFE vs. SGSOC
- February 27 2012: SEFE vs. SGSOC
- April 27 2012: SEFE vs. SGSOC
- Letters of Opposition from villagers
Take Action
Action Contacts:
Patrick Jones, the Managing Director of HF
Herakles Farms NY
277 Park Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10172
Phone: 212-351-0176
Fax: 212-351-0002
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
All For Africa
c/o Diane Laylin MacDonald
277 Park Avenue, 40th floor
New York, NY 10172 USA
Tel: (212) 351-0055
Fax: (212) 351-0001
[email protected]
Mr. Paul Biya, President of Cameroon
Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon
Unity Palace, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Phone: (237) 22 23 40 25 : Extension: 43 94
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Esso Laurent
Ministry of Justice
Fax 00237 22 22 04 38 and 00237 22 22 23 0069
Dr. Chemuta Banda Divine
Chairman of The National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms
P.O.BOX 20317
Yaoune, Cameroon
Fax 00237 22 22 60 82
Emails: [email protected], [email protected]
Cameroon’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva
Rue dy Nant 6, 1207
Geneva, Switzerland
Fax 0041 22 736 21 65
Email: [email protected]
Robert P. Jackson
US Ambassador to Cameroon
The United States Embassy in Cameroon
Avenue Rosa Parks
P.O. Box 817
Yaounde, Cameroon
Phone: (237) 2220-1500
Fax: (237) 2220-1500 x4531
US Senator Charles E Schumer (D - NY)
780 Third Avenue
Suite 2301
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-486-4430
Fax: 212-486-7693
US Senator Kirsten E Gillibrand (D - NY)
780 Third Avenue
Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017
Tel. (212) 688-6262
Fax (866) 824-6340
Email: [email protected]