Protect the Ancient Rainforests of Cameroon
A rainforest in Cameroon is on the chopping block.
We invite you to take part in EarthAction’s global campaign to protect this forest, its people, its land, and its animals. Our goal is to mobilize legislators, organizations, the media, and citizens worldwide to press the Herakles corporation and the President of Cameroon to stop their current plans to destroy this rainforest and replace it with an oil palm plantation and a palm oil refinery.
The “ready-to-use” materials in this Action Kit will help you take meaningful action that will make a difference in the lives of the 45,000 villagers that live in the 88 villages in and around this forest.
Earlier this year, our Action Kits and the global action they mobilized, helped to save over 100,000 acres in the Prey Lang forest in Cambodia from imminent destruction. Now we are focused on Cameroon—and we need your help.
Please let us know what actions you plan to take as part of this campaign by emailing [email protected]. We are sending over 3,000 Action Kits via email to individuals, organizations and policymakers worldwide. If each recipient takes even a small action it will add up and we will protect this forest and create a better future for all. We need your participation. Thank you.
We also invite your organization to become an ongoing Partner in the EarthAction Network. By doing so, you’ll receive our future Action Kits on forests and other important global issues. Click here to join. It is FREE.
THE INTERRELATED global problems of environmental degradation, poverty, war and human rights abuse threaten everyone’s future. These problems can be solved. All that’s lacking is the will. EarthAction is a global network of legislators, groups and individuals taking action together to create the political will for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.
The EarthAction Network is an international partnership of citizen groups, legislators, and individuals created to mobilize global public pressure for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world. Since 1992, the Network has grown to include more than 2,000 Partner Organizations in over 160 countries. The Partners range from large organizations like Save the Children USA, to smaller local groups like Youth Action for Sustainable Development in Nepal.
Several times a year we select one critical issue on which to focus. We then send out an Action Kit like this one, which groups can use to take action on the issue. Since 1992, we have carried out over 90 campaigns addressing many different problems, including climate change, war prevention, desertification, and meeting basic human needs. We have helped to find solutions and change policies worldwide.
We hope you’ll become part of this growing Network. Membership is free to all groups prepared to act on at least some of our campaigns. If our efforts remain fragmented, our impact on global decision-making will be limited. But if groups can act together on the big global issues—like PROTECTING FORESTS—we can change the world’s priorities and create a better world.