In our latest post, we asked our Country Managers to describe a best practice example from their countries that began with an effort to advocate for a policy change and resulted in a change in government policy.
The effort needed to have certain characteristics such as a focus on a climate related problem that could be documented, a measurable goal that could be defined in terms of a concrete policy, and an organization that advocated for the policy. The organization could be a community group, an NGO, an industry association, or even a branch of government seeking to influence another branch.
The description needed to include a summary of the strategy and process that the organization(s) went through in order achieve their climate goal, a description of the organization that adopted the policy, and what made the campaign so successful.
A summary table and full reports by country can be read here.
Climate Scorecard reports on emission policies and programs of leading greenhouse gas emitting countries, and advocates for policies that reduce these emissions. You can make a donation here.