I'm going to cut to the chase: Today, JPMorgan Chase announced a fossil fuel policy that rules out funding for coal plants, and for oil and gas projects in the Arctic. This is a major step forward in our efforts to get the finance sector to make the changes we need to heal the climate and protect communities around the world.
That’s why we’re celebrating today, Lois. Because you did it!! After two years of showing up in every way, you moved the #1 banker of fossil fuels in the world.
I'm going to give you a minute to let that sink in, maybe dance around a little bit, and let out a majorly deserved “YES!” Because this is monumental.
But this campaign is far from over: it’s a major milestone for Chase to end funding of coal and Arctic oil and gas projects, but we need them to go even further. Chase must immediately stop financing tar sands mines and pipelines, and stop financing any companies that are building new fossil fuel infrastructure.
The great news is that you’ve already proven you can move the world’s #1 banker of fossil fuels! So let’s get the promise we really want: let’s convince Chase to defund all fossil fuels!
Your dedication to people and planet has been incredible. You’ve showed up at Chase branches and shut them down, emailed executives urging them to act for the climate, called Jamie Dimon to tell him how disappointed you are, and you never let up.
Everyone at RAN wants to thank you for dedicating yourself to demanding Chase defund climate change. But we can’t let up now, Lois. We have Chase right where we want them, and they need to go further to undo the damage they’ve done.
Chase has for decades financed fossil fuel companies that have violated Indigenous rights, destroyed rainforests, endangered species, and wreaked havoc on the climate. It now needs to respond to the climate crisis on a scale equal to the damage it has done.

Business as usual isn’t an option anymore and Chase knows it, YOU made sure of that. In the months to come, we need you out there with us, telling Chase that their work isn’t done yet.
Take this moment to celebrate, Lois, you got to them and your message was loud and clear. Get ready to move them even more because Chase needs to defund climate change completely, and with your help, it will happen.
For people and planet,
Paddy McCully, Climate and Energy Program Director, Rainforest Action Network. Read more here