More tigers live in captivity in the United States than exist in the wild around the world. Last century, nearly 100,000 tigers roamed Earth. Today, only about 3,900 tigers remain in the wild, covering less than 5 percent of their former range.
The tiger's descent toward extinction is driven almost entirely by humans. Increasing demand for tiger’s skin and bones — both for aesthetic and medicinal purposes — has sparked poaching, decimating tiger populations.
And while the threats to tigers from poaching, illegal trade and habitat loss have been recognized for some time now, another unchecked crisis now threatens to wipe out one of the world’s largest tiger strongholds: climate change and sea level rise.
Humans have caused this undoing — but we can also solve it!
July 29 is Global Tiger Day. Take bold action to protect our species and save tigers! Earth Day Network has partnered with Panthera to bring attention to the plight of tigers across the world and share ways you can help save this endangered species.
Learn more about the threats to tigers and ways you can help — check out our guest blog authored by Jamie Zaccaria, communications and digital content manager at Panthera, that answers some of the most commonly asked questions about tigers. Also, read Earth Day Network’s newest blog post about the connection between dwindling tiger populations and climate change.
With some subspecies of tigers already extinct, Global Tiger Day is the time to act:
- Download our Protect Our Species Primer and Action Toolkit and other Earth Day resources to learn everything you need to know about species loss and the steps you can take to help reverse it.
- Use the hashtags #ProtectOurSpecies, #EarthRise and #VoteEarth, and tag EDN @EarthDayNetwork to join the global conversation. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
and Instagram. - Share your plans to protect species in your own neighborhood.
- Test your species knowledge by taking our Protect Our Species Quiz
- Get involved with Earth Day 2020 for the 50th Anniversary!
Thank you for being part of our global movement to Protect Our Species.
Learn more about Earth Day Network here