Over six years of working across the globe to fight wildlife crime through our intelligence-led approach to conservation, it has become clear that Elephant Actions League’s scope of work has expanded well beyond its name. As we continue to broaden that scope, we need a name that better reflects what we do and will do in the field. Therefore, we are excited to announce that Elephant Action League will now be EARTH LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL.
We are so grateful to the world’s elephants and how far these incredible creatures have taken us in only six years. Our investigative work on international ivory trafficking, from our landmark research on links between ivory trafficking and the Somali group al-Shabaab, to our undercover investigation on ivory trafficking in China, Hong Kong and Vietnam, published in the report “Blending Ivory" and featured in the Leonardo DiCaprio executive produced Netflix documentary The Ivory Game, has allowed us to hone our approach, build a world-wide team and informant network, and expand our operations.
These beginnings propelled us to many important operations and investigative activities around the world, including the first undercover investigation on rhino horn trafficking in China and Vietnam, jaguar trafficking in Latin America, and our seminal work to help save the vaquita through our investigation into the totoaba trade from Mexico to China, originally published in the report “Operation Fake Gold” and featured in the upcoming documentary Sea of Shadows, executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and distributed by National Geographic.
that we have many more exciting projects and operations ahead of us, some working along side a number of important partners, we feel that the name Earth League International will help our supporters better understand our approach to protecting and fighting for wildlife and wild spaces, our ideas, and our potential.
Earth League International’s mission will continue to be the protection of wildlife, oceans, and forests through intelligence and investigative operations, and cooperation with key government agencies around the world. This means continuing to operate at the nexus of civil society and law enforcement – bridging the resource, knowledge, and priority gaps exhibited by many government and law enforcement agencies around environmental crime.
Earth League International team will continue to manage WildLeaks, the world's first whistleblowing initiative dedicated to environmental crime. And, finally, we will launch international campaigns, educational programs, and media projects, in collaboration with other organizations and professionals, in line with our mission.
Thank you for having followed and supported us thus far. We hope you will help Earth League International become a strong, independent global player in the defense of Earth and nature against crime, greed, corruption, and overexploitation.
From Earth League International. Read more here.