Free distribution of school items to the needy children in a primary school.
A non-profit organization in the country of Togo (official name: the Togolese Republic) on the West coast of Africa wants to build a relationship and collaborate with NGOs in the USA and elsewhere. The Togolese NGO is called UMESPE, Univers des Maillons de l’Espoir pour l’Enfance, (Universe of Links of Hope for Children). They have been a Partner organization in the EarthAction Network for many years and we encourage all interested NGOS to contact them directly: Atchou AYENA <[email protected]>
In the words of UMESPE:
Our vision: A world without poverty that deprives children of access to the necessary knowledge and training on which the excellence of the human person depends and its genuine and constructive participation in the life of a peaceful world.
Our mission: To contribute to the creation or strengthening of the conditions for access to primary health care and basic education for children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds.
Our strategy: Fighting child poverty by supporting hard-working and organized parents to produce more and make more money in order to create by themselves the conditions necessary for the development of their children. We help grassroots communities build infrastructures such as school buildings and health centers.
Our projects: We mainly work in rural areas with peasant groups or cooperatives. We focus on agricultural activities including the production, processing, and conservation of harvests. Since 2002, we have been working with partners from Italy including Gocce Per l’Africa, Progetti Solidarièta Oikos, SB Sociale, the Italian Valdese Church. The collaboration with these partners has resulted in the creation of one health center, 2 rice production and threshing centers, buildings for 1 kindergarten and 3 primary schools. In addition, five agricultural cooperatives have benefited from our technical and financial support.
Now we are looking to build relationships with American organizations that could:
- send volunteers to the health center and agricultural cooperatives that we work with to provide technical support;
- technically or financially support UMESPE:
- to carry out school infrastructure construction projects for 4 primary schools;
- to create a training and support center for agricultural initiatives;
- to create a health center in an isolated rural area.
If you or your NGO is interested in collaborating with UMESPE, contact: Atchou AYENA <[email protected]>