2017 EarthAction Report on Featured Projects
2020 Action
EarthAction continued to sponsor 2020 Action and the 2020 Action Education Fund, projects that educate and mobilize thousands of US citizens engaging them in monthly communication with policymakers on important peace and environmental issues. In these dark days and challenging times, we work hard to find meaningful actions every month for citizens to take in order to protect our environment and security. Please see 2020’s Action Report for 2017 at 2020Action.org.
The Elders Project
Throughout 2017, The Elders Project (TEP) continued with its mission of working with and providing assistance to the traditional authorities (Mamos) of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (SNSM) in Colombia. Rick Harlow, the Project Director, made several trips to Colombia to work directly with the traditional authorities to help strengthen their spiritual and traditional practices. The Elders Project has been supported by grants from The Sacred Fire Foundation, the Save Our Spirits (SOS) Fund, and others.
Support for Indigenous Peoples—Save Our Spirits
Over the last few years, with funds provided by the Save Our Spirits (SOS) Fund, EarthAction has awarded grants of $50,000 to organizations that are working directly with indigenous peoples to help them preserve, strengthen, and pass on the spiritual practices of their elders. In 2017, EarthAction awarded grants to two local indigenous groups in the Philippines and one in Ghana.
Building Understanding and Consensus on
U.S. Immigration Policies
Since 2015, EarthAction has served as the fiscal sponsor for a project on U.S. immigration reform that was initiated and directed by Rick Swartz. Swartz’ team is working to build non-partisan support among policymakers and immigration advocates for sound and reasoned policies that will yield benefits to millions while avoiding the acrimony that has poisoned past efforts. This is an extremely timely and challenging effort that is making steady progress. With support from the Gilder Foundation, working through the mainstream and social media, millions of individuals have been exposed to the project’s principles and goals.
Climate Scorecard
Since 2015 EarthAction has collaborated with The Global Citizens’ Initiative on two significant projects aimed at stabilizing our global climate. Our 2015 campaign led up to the UN sponsored climate meeting (COP21) held in Paris in December of that year. Through monthly reports we informed and engaged citizens, NGOs, policymakers, thought leaders, and the media worldwide about national pledges to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GGEs) and related climate policy issues. Funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and other foundations supported this work.
In 2016 and 2017, we initiated and implemented Climate Scorecard a global project to track and share information about how each of the top greenhouse-gas emitting countries met—or didn’t meet—its Paris Pledge. Through monthly reports, each focused on a key question, we informed the public, policymakers, researchers, organizations and the media about critical issues that need to be addressed if the Paris Agreement is to succeed in keeping global warming to a minimum.
We assembled a team of Climate Scorecard Country Managers, one for each of the top 20 greenhouse-gas-emitting countries. Every month, we develop a thematic question related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Our Country Managers research and answer each question as it relates to his or her nation. We then compile their answers into a monthly Climate Scorecard Report that we post online and circulate to our growing network of over 10,000 environmental organizations, policymakers, journalists, and concerned citizens. To date, we have completed and distributed 15 Climate Scorecard Reports. For more info visit: climatescorecard.org
Other Global Outreach & Action
Featured Campaigns & Issues on EarthAction’s Website in 2017
Glass Cleaner: Reflecting the Inspiration We Find in the World • China Hosts First Global Environmental Summit on Desertification • 110 Organisations from 44 Countries Call for Diplomacy on Korea Nuke Issue • A new form of protest • How to Make Fun of Nazis • Basel Declaration on Trans-Generational Crimes of Nuclear Weapons & Nuclear Energy • September 26th: Reach High for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World • Win! The UN Acts to End Slavery in Conflict • International Campaign To Abolish Nuclear Weapons Wins 2017 Nobel Peace Prize • Climate Change Public Opinion Surveys Show Growing Concern
Thank You—Thank You—Thank You
EarthAction thanks all our Partner Organizations, individual members, staff, and donors for their ongoing participation and support. Special thanks to the Thomas D. Hormel Trust, the Stewart R. Mott Foundation, the Gilder Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Louise Hoffman, and Hal Litoff.
EarthAction, PO Box 63 Amherst, MA 01002 USA
Tel: 1 413 427-8827 E: [email protected] www.earthaction.org