Since 2012, a series of agribusiness corporations have been at work to destroy 75,000 hectares of tropical rainforest in southwestern Cameroon. Their goal is to replace the forest with a palm oil plantation. This rainforest, situated between five protected areas, including world-renowned Korup National Park, is known for its rich biodiversity. It provides a wildlife corridor between the various preserves. Cutting down the rainforest and replacing it with palm oil trees is ripping the heart out of the forest. Many animal species are being pushed to extinction. And the homes, communities, and lives of humans are being destroyed. We have succeeded in cutting back the size of this project. Now, with your help, we want to end it all together.
Greenpeace, Cultural Survival, Save Wildlife, AFJN and EarthAction ask for your help now as part of a global campaign to protect this forest, its people and wildlife.
Click here to add your name to Greenpeace’s petition to stop this destruction in Cameroon.