The Film4Climate Global Video Competition was launched yesterday, Monday June 20.
Young filmmakers are invited to showcase their talents and create either a Public Service Advertisement (< 1 min) or a Short Film (1 – 5 minutes) about climate action. The competition is open to filmmakers from all over the world, ages 14 to 35, and the deadline to submit the video on the Film4Climate portal is September 15, 2016. Submit to allow for public voting.
The film should show a personal climate change narrative and emphasize what people around the world are doing to promote action, offer new solutions, and inspire change. The jury, chaired by acclaimed Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci, will select the winning entries based on content, technical expertise and innovation, and originality.
First prize is $8,000, second prize is $5,000 and third is $2,000. Special prizes, offered by our sponsors, will also be awarded. The winners will be announced during the Conference of Parties (COP22) in Marrakesh, Morocco in November.
Following the signing of the Paris Agreement, and because of the growing urgency of climate change, we are hoping to receive submissions from the majority of signatory nations.
For more information, visit the competition website.