The Future Policy Award is designed to alert policymakers and the public to the importance of best practice in lawmaking and highlight outstanding examples of regulatory vision. The Award draws attention to existing sustainable policies and demonstrates that when political will is asserted, positive change can happen.
Celebrating visionary policies raises public awareness, encourages rapid learning and speeds up policy action towards just, sustainable and peaceful societies. That is why each year the World Future Council calls for the nomination of policies that are inspiring, innovative and influential.
In 2013, the Future Policy Award celebrated policies for sustainable disarmament that contribute to the achievement of peace, sustainable development, and security. The Award was held in in partnership with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs. The 2013 Future Policy Award brochure is available here.
The 2013 Gold Award Winner was The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1967. The Silver Award was given to Agentina's National Programme for the Voluntary Surrendar of Firearms, 2006, and the Silver Award was given to the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act, 1987.