NOTE: EarthAction was a founding member of the UBUNTU Forum.Dear colleagues,
As you may already know, one of the goals of our project is to promote the networking as well as complicities with different actors, especially within civil society, but also from the Academia and other stakeholders, in order to promote progress in the different areas of work in which we focus our action.
As you also know, one of the topics in which we have been working more intensively in recent years is, precisely, the campaign in favour of the Financial Transaction Tax, as an innovative financing mechanism for development, but also as a first step towards the urgent regulation of the global financial system. This process will not be fully effective unless the issue of tax havens is properly tackled.
Therefore, today we are presenting the following blog as a new tool of this campaign:
We hope this will be of your interest, and we invite you to share it with your contacts. We also encourage you to become a subscriber in order to receive the updates that will be published periodically.
As you will be able to see, you will find activities and initiatives that we or other actors organise, as well as news, articles, etc. Therefore, do not hesitate to send us any information you consider appropriate to share in this field.
Moreover, we take advantage of this communication to inform you about the recent article published by the ministers of Development of France, Germany and Belgium, in several newspapers (such as Le Soir, Berliner Zeitung or La Vanguardia) in favour of the Financial Transaction Tax and the use of a significant part of its revenue for cooperation and climate finance.
Manuel Manonelles
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