Violence against women is a daily fixture in the news. It’s time to change that. and One Billion Rising are planning a day of action for February 14th, 2013. is a Partner in the EarthAction Network and we support their Call to Action. Here is what you can do:
1. Rally on February 14! Rally with and One Billion Rising, a movement that is bringing hundreds of thousands of concerned global citizens all over the world to rally, dance and raise our voices to declare that we will not tolerate violence against women anymore. Join us at the DC rally, or join or start one in your own community. We have signs you can print out, Global Citizen t-shirts, CEDAW petition forms, info on rally locations and more. Contact Arielle Weaver to find out more (Put "End Violence" in the subject line and include your zip code so we can let you know if a rally is already happening near you).
2. Raise your Voice! Help us permanently influence the system by signing our petition urging the Senate to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) treaty during this 113th Congress. This is an important move to protect women's rights on the long-term.
3. Learn More. Join for a special webinar on February 9 to discuss the global epidemic of violence against women, and what each of us can do to take action. We'll send you details on this next week.
4. Spread the word. Help us flood Facebook and Twitter with key facts about violence against women, and the US role in stopping it worldwide. Collectively, we can change the conversation.