But for some, it is a sport. Last year Renewable Rider Tom Weiss pedaled across the country to raise awareness about the US's energy crisis and to garner support for renewable energy.
From Tom, "Starting Sunday, April 1, I will be posting one favorite video from my RenewableRider YouTube channel each day for the next 70 days (the actual duration of the ride) on my facebook and twitter pages. For a sneak preview of "Rocket Trike Diaries," check out this deeply moving interview of my friend, Furman Boles: 92 Year-Old Texas Man: Keystone XL is "Un-American"."
Want to learn more? Follow the Ride for Renewables on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to the Youtube channel to see the video updates for the next 70 days.
For more information on the Keystone XL pipeline, check out 20/20 intern Alex's blog on the issue from February, 2012 here.