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April 25, 2012


Susan S.

Thank you--this is the FIRST article I have found tonight that actually addresses this in a realistic light, after friends in an uproar on facebook sent me scouring for information.


Money is the root cause of all problems. Why not remove money from the economy, then all problems that Agenda-21 suggests will automatically vanish. There will be no more poverty, unemployment, wars, pollution, migration. Inequality will automatically reduce, sustainability will be much better than Agenda 21. There will be no need for population control.

Create money-less economy (MLE). It is possible to run the exact same economy that we have now, without any kind of money. After all, money is false, because it is not an object of nature. Therefore, money cannot be necessary to run an economy. How can you create truth using something false like money? You cannot. Thus Agenda-21 cannot solve the problems. Take a look at the MLE chapter at https://theoryofsouls.wordpress.com/

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