Photo by Mikhail Metzel. Yevgenia Chirikova, an environmental activist, in the Khimki Forest.
In 2010, EarthAction campaigned to preserve the Khimki Forest and was successful in getting Russian President Medvedev to temporarily stop the logging. Now, the environmentalists in Moscow and the forest need your help again!
Russian human rights and environmental activists are fighting to save the Khimki Forest from the construction of a new motorway that will divide the forest in half. The planned $8 billion federal highway will connect Moscow and St. Petersburg, but at enormous environmental cost. It will destroy Khimki Forest, one of Moscow's last old-growth forests, which is a key part of the city's dwindling green belt, designed in the 1930s to minimize pollution and preserve wildlife. Ecologists believe that constructing the highway through the forest will lead to the destruction of an eco-system that is unique for Moscow (centuries-old oak trees, elk, boar, and many species of birds). It will destroy a site of special scientific interest, the mesotrophic cranberry swamp in the Khimki Forest and the floodplain of the Klyazma River, which is in its original state only in this area.
Over the years the fight to save Khimki Forest has become more then a fight over a forest, it has become a symbol for fighting against corruption and bribery among government officials, law enforcement, and an industry that ignores the environmental effects of its actions. The campaign to save Khimki Forest is now focused on Vinci, a French multinational construction company contracted to build the highway. The objective is to end Vinci’s involvement in this project until an alternative route that spares Khimki Forest is selected.
Take Action!
Take part in the International Week of Action for the Khimki Forest April 24th to April 30th and sign the petition to save Khimki Forest! Every voice counts.
Click here to sign the petition. THANK YOU.