While World Water Day, on March 22nd, has already passed, you can still take action on key water issues. In the United States you can take the simple yet powerful action to urge state governors to kick the bottle out of statehouses. From the folks at the Think Outside the Bottle Campaign:
"State governments are spending millions of taxpayer dollars each year to buy bottled water. Be it water coolers by the copier or plastic bottles at state events, our elected leaders are choosing the bottle over the tap.
Wouldn't you agree that this sends the wrong message? After all, about half the time bottled water comes from the very same source as the tap. What’s more, the tap is more highly regulated for quality and safety.
Urge your governor to cancel state bottled water contracts and invest in public water.
Every governor is looking for ways to cut state spending. Now is the time to remind them of the simple solutions that are good for our pocketbooks, environment and public water systems."
Act now for a simple and straightforward way to reduce waste and wasteful spending.
(Photo by sulekomathai shared under a creatice commons license.)