The world has been following the news of the nuclear crisis in Japan in the wake of the historic 8.9 earthquake that hit on March 11. Our friends at the Nuclear Information and Resource Service have asked us to pass along this urgent and important message about what US citizens can do right now to ensure a future without the waste and dangers of nuclear power:
"It would be nice to think that U.S. politicians and authorities will suddenly snap to their senses and begin work to end nuclear power and prevent new nuclear reactor construction. It won't be that easy. Our number one priority today: ending taxpayer subsidies for new nuclear power.
TAKE ACTION: Contact your members of Congress and urge them to do two things:
1. Oppose new taxpayer subsidies for new nuclear reactor construction,
2. End the nuclear reactor loan program entirely. The existing Department of Energy loan "guarantee" program has $10.2 Billion in unspent money for new reactor construction and another $2 Billion for uranium enrichment plants.
The good news is that the American people agree! According to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News public opinion poll, cutting subsidies for new reactors is the single most popular possible budget cut, with 57% finding such cuts either completely or mostly acceptable.”
Now is the time to act to prevent similar nuclear crises in the US. As we support the Japanese people in this time of crisis, it is also a time to demand a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world powered by clean, safe, renewable energy. Read more. Please share via e-mail, facebook, twitter and blogging.
We hope that our friends around the world will take similar actions and urge their governments to end their support for nuclear power and invest in clean, safe, renewable, energy.
(Photo by shared under a creative commons license.)