Our friends at salmonaresacred.org have just released a valentine that you can download and send to the King of Norway pressuring him to stop farm fishing in British Columbia. From their site:
"You can help take a stand against the biological and social threat and commerce of industrial marine net-cage feedlots using our global oceans. The science is clear: these operations risk wild salmon populations by intensifying disease and deplete world fishery resources to make the feed. They privatize ocean spaces and threaten sovereign rights to food security."
You can send this valentine to your friends and family to raise awareness, post it to your blog, and mail or e-mail the King of Norway directly. Letters may begin, "Your Majesty, King Harald of Norway, For the Love of Wild Salmon please instruct your fish farmers to get out of the coastal waters of British Columbia and all the world's oceans.” For more letter ideas click here.
The King's address:
email address:([email protected])
Mailing address:
His Majesty
King of Norway
Royal Palace
Henrik Ibsens Gate 1
0010 Oslo
For more information, see salmonaresacred.org or alexandramorton.ca. We can help create a more just and food secure future for us all.