Sign the CASSE position on economic growth. Join David Suzuki, Chris Matthews, Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, Wendell Berry, and more than 3,000 others who support the transition to a better economy.
Growth, growth, growth. It’s all economists ever talk about. But a bigger economy isn’t necessarily a better one. Our economy has grown for decades, and now we face the prospect of losing our jobs and our stable climate. It’s time to show support for a new economic paradigm – one that meets the needs of all citizens and maintains a healthy planet. A steady state economy is a true green economy that aims to stabilize population, consumption, and overall use of energy and materials. It’s about development instead of growth and quality instead of quantity.
Take a position and help jumpstart the transition to a better economy! Visit the CASSE website for more information, including other actions you can take to support a sustainable economy.