There's lots of exciting news in the air about REPs/Feed-In Tariffs! So get ready for this first edition of the EarthAction weekly "REP Roundup!"
(For more info about REPs, head on over to the Alliance for Renewable Energy and check out Why REPs?)
First, Australia is under way nationalizing feed-in tariffs, as proposed in a recent bill by Senator Christine Milne. (See this article.)
The UK also recently passed an Energy Bill that makes Feed-In Tariffs law (to be implemented by 2010.) Paul Gipe writes about the incredible news here.
In the US, Gainesville Florida is implementing REPs. (Check out the Florida Alliance For Renewable Energy.) The city of Los Angeles also recently announced plans to "launch one of the continent's largest solar power programs," which will include Feed-In Tariffs. For a critical look at this policy and how Feed-In Tariffs will play a role, see Paul Gipe's article. Wrapping up the US, we also have a call to the energy revolution for Oregonians.
That's it for this week! Exciting progress is being made all around the world to enact this powerful renewable energy legislation. Stay tuned for more exciting news and buzz about REPs/Feed-In Tariffs. (If you have an article or news about REPs you would like to be featured in the weekly roundup, please contact us or leave a comment on this post.)
(Photo courtesy of Papalars, shared under a Creative Commons license.)
Thanks for mentioning Gainesville, FL. We're doing some exciting things in solar for this New Year! The GRU will be implementing a FIT by MARCH if all goes smoothly ;)
Posted by: Jeremy Lambeth | January 06, 2009 at 12:16 AM