If you too are a mountain lover I highly encourage you to check out www.ilovemountains.org, a comprehensive site where you can find all the latest news on mountain top removal in the United States. You can see how you are connected to the devastating coal extraction method, watch videos of "America's Most Endangered Mountains," read stories of the people MTR most affects, join a blogger's challenge, and learn about what else you can do.
Here at EarthAction we've been campaigning for REPs, Renewable Energy Payments (also known as feed-in tariffs.) Clean renewable energy is an utmost priority for this nation, and we believe that REPs are one of the quickest and surest ways to stimulate the growth and development of renewable energy.
For more information on REPs, click on the "Power to the People" Icon to the left under Current Campaigns, or go to The Alliance For Renewable Energy. Together, we can put an end to harmful practices like mountain top removal!
(The photo is of my friend Lauren and I loving the mountains in Colorado.)