The Patagonian forests and rivers are in jeopardy! Eliodoro Matte, the Chief Executive of the Matte group companies is promotong the HydroAysen Project in Chile. The HydroAysen project consists of clearing a path of the Patagonian forest between the Aysen dams and Santiago. To set up these power lines, protected areas like national parks would be distrupted and an estimated 35,000 acres of forest could be destroyed if this plan is set in motion.
Rivers are in trouble because there is a large group of national and international corporations that are planning to build 5 dams on the Baker and Pescua Rivers. The dams would create electricity that would be sent to Santaigo via the power lines. The distance between Santiago and the dams is 1,500 miles.
There are quite of few people in the local areas who are displeased with the suggested project.
Environmentalists, Fishermen's Unions, the Salmon-Industry, and a few local governments are protesting the project, but they need help. Global Response, an activist non profit organization is promoting an international letter writing campaign that is encouraging people around the world to write hand written letters to Chief Executive Eliodoro Matte their concerns about the proposed HydroAysen Project and the detrimental effects of such a project. A personal letter carries a more significant impact than a digital letter, so a writing template of what to include in the letter is on Global Responses website under their current campaign.
This is a perfect project for those who would like to do action against these industrialists, and also would be a great school project for students. Take action to fight for the world's Rainforests!
URL to Take Action:
(Photo of Windy Patagonia is courtesy of Flickr user zamario, shared under a Creative Commons license.)