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March 06, 2008



Did this issue come up when you were visiting El Salvador? Or did you hear about it afterwards? I'll check out the take action page.

Meghan Maloney

Unfortunately, I heard about it after.

Edwin Geovani

la mineria en EL Salvador es una empresa no viable en el pais, por los daños ecologicos, humanos y economicos que puede provocar.

yo estoy totalmente en contra de la mineria en EL Salvador.

Meghan Maloney

Estoy de acuerdo, la minería no es viable en El Salvador ni en otras partes de centroamerica.

holly maloney

After being in El Salvador for a medical brigade, we discovered that one of the root problems that these people face is a lack of clean water and the ramifications on health and wellness. To further contaminate and pollute the scant water supply is deplorable. Since this is a Canadian company, what can an citizen of the U.S. do?

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