Greetings! This is my very first blog post, so I thought I would introduce myself. Firstly, I’m Becca, and I’m an intern here. I get to work with an incredible boss, Lois Barber (the Director of EarthAction), Ginger, who just came on with EarthAction, and three other amazing interns- Ananda, Greer, and Meghan (or Piña, as she likes to be called.) You’ll be hearing from them soon.
Ananda, Greer, Meghan and I are all first years at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. It’s a small, alternative school full of eccentric and passionate students (which probably accurately describes us too.) You design your own course of academic study here. (That is, after your first year. In your first year there are much more specific requirements you have to meet.) There is more room to explore seemingly different areas of interest. Personally, I’m trying to juggle my love of literature, writing, theatre, environmental studies/activism, outdoor education, speaking Spanish/Latin American affairs, a new found interest in dance, learning how to climb and do yoga, vegetariansim/health issues, and… well, there’s more, actually. Yes, I know this is ridiculous. At least I’m in a place where this is the norm.
Anyways, all of us here at EarthAction are super excited to be starting this blog up. EarthAction has a pretty impressive history (Just click on Successes or Past Campaigns to see for yourself!) Here are only a few of my favorite highlights:
-Increased funding for primary education in multiple countries (Education for All campaign, 2001)
-Ratification of the The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) (Desertification campaign, 06-07. By the way, Lois has a great story about how she got former President Bill Clinton to use the exact language she wrote in addressing desertification issues.)
-Saving Rainforests. (Imataca Forest Reserve, Venezuela, campaign, 1998)
Lois has been doing this for a long time, addressing climate change issues since 1995. EarthAction has always worked to better global society on many fronts- from ending logging to working with the UN to raise the age and conditions of child soldiers. It’s not just about environmental affairs or social justice issues- they’re all related, and we’re in this together to improve the world for everyone.
The heart of EarthAction has always been about community, which is why we’re so excited to be redesigning and refocusing our presence online. We want to be more connected with our partner organizations, individuals, and you! Even though we’re still in the process of transitioning and figuring this out, we hope that you’ll continue to check back in with us (consider subscribing to our RSS feed!), leave a comment or shoot an e-mail, and tell your friends about us.
Stay tuned for personal stories, ways you can get involved, and more info on our current campaign on renewable energy!
I want to share the link to this interview with the amazing climber Chris Sharma. He’s interviewed by Waylon Lewis of Elephant magazine, fabulous independent media from my hometown of Boulder, Colorado. Even if you’re not interested in climbing, there are some great thoughts shared.
(The photo of Hampshire College's admissions building was taken by me.)