Get ready for the Revolution! One thing is clear from being here at the Washington International Renewal Energy Conference (WIREC) - the Renewable Energy Revolution is on its way. Hermann Scheer, a German Member of Parliament—and the ‘father’ of the ‘Feed In’ legislation—told the several thousand participants from all over the world at the Ministerial Session of the Conference, “The main aim for us being here is to help each other to accelerate the shift to renewables.”
Speakers pointed out many of the things that need to change as part of this revolution, first among them: “Our way of thinking.” It is clear that a shift to renewables is already creating jobs, strengthening economies, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and increasing energy security. There were lots of stories and examples of how the revolution is beginning, and challenges for all of us to get on board.
Gotta go, today’s first session just started. I’ll post more later about the buzz of being on the edge of change.
Lois Barber
(Lois asked me to post this, as she was on her way to a session. -Ananda)